The Prodigal Son – March 7

The prodigal son is a story about a man that had two sons. The first son stayed with the father, the second left and squandered his inheritance. When the second son returned, the father accepted him with open arms. It’s a story about acceptance and forgiveness – a metaphor for how God rejoices when we […]

Prodigal Son

Sermon 3-6-16 The prodigal son is a story about a man that had two sons. The first son stayed with the father, the second left and squandered his inheritance. When the second son returned, the father accepted him with open arms. It’s a story about acceptace and forgiveness – a metaphor for how God rejoices […]

Be Fruitful and Multiply

Our Call, Nay Our Duty Genesis 1:26-28 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on […]

Created or By Chance?

How did we get here? Is there a master creator of this world, or did we all come here by chance? Does the universe have a beginning and an end? Does belief in evolution negate belief in God? If you believe in Creationism, does that mean that the world was literally created in six days? […]

Be Fruitful and Multiply

February 28 Sermon What do you think of when you hear the term, “witness?” Does it evoke a negative response? Are you reminded of people in their Sunday best, going door to door, handing out flyers about Armageddon, the person standing on a table in the food court yelling at everyone below that they’re going […]

Growing in Faith

Where do we place our faith? Do we have faith in our cars to get us where we need to go? Do we have faith in our jobs to continue to provide for us? Do we have faith in our loved ones to do what they promise? Do we have faith in ourselves – that […]

Called To Action

“The time is now…” This Sunday, Pastor Zedick speaks about this generation. People believe they don’t need church, that they don’t need God – that Christianity is nothing more that a collection of superstitious beliefs. And as Christians, what is our response? And do our actions or non-actions add fuel to these beliefs?  “The time […]