Called To Action

“The time is now…”
This Sunday, Pastor Zedick speaks about this generation. People believe they don’t need church, that they don’t need God – that Christianity is nothing more that a collection of superstitious beliefs. And as Christians, what is our response? And do our actions or non-actions add fuel to these beliefs?
 “The time is now to take action” 

Or rather – It’s always time to take action. Pastor Zedick spoke about the importance of being out in our communities; “loving the unloved, giving grace for the sick, drying the tears of the hurt… People need to know there is hope.” We need to stand up for love and compassion and speak out when we see abuse. People need to know that the Church is for strength and encouragement – not judgment and building walls.

 My husband and I were talking one night and remarked that we didn’t know how we would get through life without God and the church. It’s the foundation of our family – the foundation of our relationship. When troubles come, when we feel attacked, we know we are under God’s protection. We may become broken, but not destroyed. We don’t hope that everything goes well. We know that we’ll have arguments, financial stresses, health concerns – but we don’t worry because of our faith in God and the support of our church.  Our congregation at Cedar Fork Baptist has been a tremendous support. Our church family is made up of – what our pastor would say – “prayer warriors”. Whenever any of us suffer, we pray. Jesus said, “… if two of you on earth agree about whatever they may ask, it will come to pass.” Matthew 18:19. Our entire church comes together as a congregation in prayer, and it works.
 After hearing Pastor Zedick, I feel challenged to stop what I’m doing and offer support for someone in need. To actively listen, help where possible and pray with them. There’s nothing passive about being a Christian, and it’s time to get off the bench.
 To hear the Pastor Zedick’s sermon, click here.