Spending Time with God

On September 30th, Pastor Zedick spoke about the importance of spending quiet time with God. Not so that we can list our requests, but time spent listening – with nothing else going on in the background.

Where is God?

A friend of mine wrote a blog titled “Where is God” is response to the shooting in Thousand Oaks. It’s a good question to ask. Where is God? Perhaps letting us choose to allow him into our lives. Those who have opened the door to God receive support and peace at a time like this. Those […]

What is a Modal Christian?

What is a modal Christian? Do they give to the poor? Do they care for the sick? Do they go to church every Sunday? Do they volunteer? Do they care for their family? Is there a person that you can point to? The Pastor, a Deacon, an active community member? I’ve known a fair number if people […]

Is God a Dog Lover or a Cat Lover?

This is likely going to be one of my more random posts, but I was thinking about God’s relationship with us and then realized in some ways how it relates to our relationship between us and our pets. Of course, God loves all creatures, and this posts involves stereotypical characteristics of pets that I apologize […]

Truly Changed by Christ

I can be awfully cynical. If someone tells me about their resolutions, I congratulate them, try to be supportive, but at the back of my mind I’m guessing how long it will be before they fall back into their old habits. I suppose that I’m wagering with the statistical life-data I have recorded for the past few […]

Without God’s Will, We Are Ashes

One day when Jesus was doing his ministry, someone called him good. Jesus’ response was, “Do not call me good. Only my father in heaven is good.” This was someone who cured illnesses, cast out demons, and brought people back from the dead, and he didn’t consider himself good. In contrast, if I turn down […]

Foundation and Fruits

The new testament is full of stories of new christian converts and how they couldn’t hold back from telling the world about Jesus. Even the healed leper after directed by Jesus to tell no-one except the priests, announced it to everyone he saw. The news was spread very quickly about Jesus by those he healed, but […]

In The Beginning

February 26, 2017 Sermon Evolution, Creation, God, Science, – are these contradicting? Does belief in scientific data hinder a relationship with God? Science has given us much; medical advances, agricultural advantages and information about our world that helps us to understand and protect it. It has also given evidence that suggests against the biblical story of […]

When God calls and we don’t pick up

Being Christian from an early age, I always heard about prayer being important, but I never understood why. I had a list of people that were sick, troubled or looking for a job that I recited to God on a daily basis, but beyond that, there was little commitment on my end. Later I discovered that prayer is a […]

Prayer for the Nation

There’s a lot of concern about where the nation is headed. People are uncertain about our leaders, their’s a fear of war and fear of rights being taken from us. And we’re taking action. We’re writing political Facebook posts, joining rallies, picketing, rioting, even physically assaulting people who think different. We’ve become a divided nation, […]