Who are we?

What makes us who we are? Is it the age old debate of nurture vs nature? Is it the environment around us that defines who we are? How would you identify yourself if someone asked? Would your use current life situation; student, professional, parent, grandparent. Would you use your religion or belief structure? And would you […]

Jesus Christ, Undiluted

We are individuals. We have different strengths and weaknesses. We have different interests, different opinions. In fact, the idea of being an individual has crept into the way we interact in communities. There’s the idea that we are self-sufficient, needing only to rely on ourselves for getting our work done, raising our families and overcoming […]

Small, But Mighty

What’s the purpose of church? What do people do when they get together every Sunday? Is it a place where we sit and listen to the Pastor for an hour, where we’re told how to live our lives to be more pleasing to God? Is it a weekly obligation that we blindly go to because […]